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The Lexicon of Compassion

A Resource for Understanding and Learning Compassion

If we want to create a more caring and compassionate society, we need a language to talk about empathy and compassion in an informed and nuanced manner. This is why I have started to create this resource. It is a continual work-in-progress that I will edit and update. I welcome constructive feedback.

This lexicon is not based on original research but summarizes existing research and ongoing debates in fields such as psychology, philosophy and education. Curating a resource such as this necessarily involves picking and choosing. While I aim to be balanced and present diverse voices on the subjects, the choice of topics and sources is informed by my own interests and by own state of knowledge. If you are an author of the works I summarize and you feel I am misrepresenting you, please let me know via the contact form and I will edit the article as necessary.

If you are interested in my positions on some of the topics and books that I present in this lexicon, please check out the blog section of this website.


This Lexicon currently has two sections, Understanding Compassion and Learning Compassion. The first is concerned with the theory of compassion, the second is concerned with the theory of learning.

Theory of Compassion:

Theory of Learning: